Graduation & Formals ⚫️

Clamp (the cord), clutch (the scissors), Cut - in nine seconds dad's apprehensive fingers severed the physiological bond that tethered the baby to the womb for nine months. A remarkable moment that closed a chapter and opened a new one where an eternal filial love would start unfurling.

That's exactly how I saw these past five weeks that gradually transitioned our son to step out of school's steps - his second home for five years. 

On the last full-school day they signed on each other's white shirt with an excitement like they were waiting all these years for this very day. When there was no other blank spot left, they called it a day wishing best of luck for exams, and bidding farewell. For next 3 to 4 weeks they sat the arduous HSC, and emerged free young adults - now busier than before with Minecraft, Krunker, Among US on Discord. Following week was insanely busy - official signing out clearing any outstanding dues or borrowed books on 8th, Yr 12 Graduation Ceremony on 12th, and Formals on 15th!

Of these, parents were invited to witness the grand Graduation evening at the prestigious Hornsby RSL Club alongside the respectable teachers and the strong cohort of 135, bubbling and bonding with a palpable heave of sigh upon conclusion of HSC! We marched up to our designated table with a mix of nostalgia and pride and ensconced ourselves in the chairs by our printed names. The events commenced with National Anthem followed by Principal's address, spiel by Year Advisor, speech by Captain, and a discourse by Vice Captain. These were interspersed by musical interludes and a continuous stream of a three-course meal. The adept waiting staff knew their jobs well - serving unobstrusively and impeccably from a choice of veg, non-veg variety declared several weeks before.  Through the tintinnabulations of forks and knives and chink of glasses, we laughed at the video that compiled a slew of their moments at school, we cried steeped in schmaltz, cheered as they received their folders, mugs, and new ties. Three hours melted in no time, and it wasn't before another hour and half that anybody budged. We managed to share the joy with grandparents over video call - thanks to technology! They were overwhelmed and our son was hopping from one friend to another, introducing them through the handheld screen. 

That was when I realised how deeply they were connected. Like a mum and baby's bond beyond the umbilical cord, they will stay close to the cohort and school. When time comes, they'll give back the way their seniors have. Every Normo answered their teachers and connected with the juniors as and when requested to guide on uni applications, career toolbox sessions, and for providing necessary support to explore the world waiting outside school.

"Formals" was equally exciting with the teachers, students, and their special guests invited to a sumptuous banquet hall in the exotic location of Taronga Zoo featuring a twinkling skyline of Sydney in the horizon. 

As a parent, I'm even more sad with my son's school getting over than my own times at his age and way more relaxed about his HSC score than I was for my own Higher Secondary results. Afterall, if you have the aptitude and willingness, this score wouldn't bar you from achieving what you've set your heart upon. Yet a parent will always be a parent. I'll be praying for his happiness and contentment; may he receive what he deserves and has aimed for!

Till then, here's an album that I've put together for this compendium to commemorate the priceless moments that'll be cherished forever.

Main course - Lasagne and asparagus

Managed to capture the striking colours of dessert, tart, and lasagne were long gone by then

Twenty Five - our designated table

Form flattering "Formals"

Dona, Sydney, November '24


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