Walking past a milestone

Senior Tie with badges achieved in Yr-10 

16-December was the last day of the last term of not just any other year, but of a remarkable Year 10. There's nothing to blow our own trumpet on what's inevitable - transitioning to senior school years. However, it'll be unfair if I don’t pen down and share how eventful this academic year has been for our son.

Joining a new school is daunting, more so in the face of Covid induced school-style. That's exactly what our son went through when he first stepped into Normanhurst Boys High School (NBHS) in February, 2020. Irregular school schedules meant lesser engagement with the new people and place. On top of it, Covid had drawn curtains over several extra curricular activities for nearly two years.

But once the hiatus ceased, a passel of opportunities came his way to get involved in. This forged a feeling of association with the school, which in return awarded him generously with certificates and badges as a nod of acknowledgement to his services for the school - being part of Peer Support Group, guiding new joiners, providing school tour to parents of aspiring students, assisting parents during Yr-10 Information Evening, participating in Grounds Day, actively utilising Work Experience Week, working his fingers to the bone and staying up late in the nights for completing assignments on time, striving to go beyond the comfort zone and sit optional exams outside curriculum arranged by the school.

Completing Yr-10 is a memorable milestone in life. To mark it, NBHS invited parents on 9th December to Portfolio Presentation, emceed proudly by the students themselves from Yr-10 cohort. The boys were presented the coveted Senior Tie - a symbol of stepping into shoes with higher responsibilities.

We were fortunate to be part of the grand Presentation Night as well this year on 13th December evening at Grand Pavilion,  Roseville Gardens. It was an experience in itself to witness the top quarter of Yr-7 to Yr-11 getting recognised with prestigious awards handed out by notable guests like Julian Leeser, representatives of top universities, and other eminent dignitaries. While a riveting speech from alumnus Tomas Galanti glued our attention to every word he uttered, the vocal and musical ensembles, directed by Sally Cousins, left us in awe and wonder at the professionalism and skills these boys exhibited. It was well organised by teachers, and executed immaculately by prefects, and school captain. Our son was only a sliver in the stratospheric arrangement of things, yet, it was an awesome way to conclude all these years of hard work.

Most importantly, this year showcased resilience wherein all the students, despite their sickness from the virus and/ or vaccinations, bounced back to the rigours of the academic schedule to claim glory in their respective ways. Here's a big shout out to my son, his cohort, and the teachers who relentlessly persevered for their success - instructing the classes in person and uploading the lessons online so nobody's a straggler. With a heavy heart, we did bid goodbye to Mr Naidoo, Ms Raj, and Ms Cousins, but their contributions will be instilled in our children for years. The world’s dichotomous; beside this heaviness sits the cheer of honoring Mr Lam, who was awarded with nothing less than the esteemed Minister's Award for Excellence in Teaching and Ann Thomas Award for Long Term Contribution to the Mathematical Association of NSW. Thus a marvellous year concluded.

Congratulations on completing Stage 5! Best wishes for the adventures in store for the upcoming senior years!

Dona, Sydney, 16-December 2022


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