Celebrating another year of life

Happy (16*3)th birthday to me! 

Thrice as sweet - with the angst, woes, and throes of "sweet 16" far behind, it certainly feels a lot lovelier. 

A selfie to celebrate!

Thrice the girth - no contrition though for gorging on a full pack of chips while eyes are anxiously peeled for unveiling of the hideous Hyde that a hilariously robotic Wednesday is tracking. But why pay any heed to the growing girth - even a tree's age goes by the number of rings in its bole. 

Can't decide which one is "Old Me"

Thrice as old - my son turns 16 in a couple of months! He has just received the "senior tie" in a significant event that annuls the junior years in his High School. My memories of Madhyamik (school final exam) do not resonate with his experience of this huge milestone; but the deja vu of walking a similar path of time definitely lingers. 


A few memorable moments of this year's celebrations put together!

A bright gift from nephew's family - what a wonderful way to start off!

Alleys of The Rocks

Across the Indian Ocean, parents pray for the wellbeing of the precious little life they held in delight 48 years back

Thanks to my mom, dad, son, spouse, and all the friends, family for pouring in their lovely wishes throughout the day!

Dona, Sydney, December '22


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