Chasing Ephemerality

Doesn't the intrigue in ephemerality come with a tag of pricelessness? The transience of autumn colours, bioluminiscence, or dance of auroras have lured photographers and travellers eternally to brave inhospitable weather for a heavenly glimpse of these fleeting phenomena. We are no exceptions to the rule.

There was a time when flaming maple and aspens bedecked our backyard in the US at Nashua, New Hampshire. Every October we drove in droves to Flume Gorge, White Mountains in New Hampshire and Vermont to feel the vibrant autumn vibes. The New England area never failed to regale us with its romantic beauty, brightness, and brilliance. 

Moving to Sydney was a relief from the chill of temperate climate. But that also meant the colossal maples in the city simply turned brown in fall skipping the splendour of bright yellow, orange, red hues. Experiencing autumn meant chasing the ephemeral happening to faraway areas that only had a little touch of colours in swathes of land wrapped with the evergreen gum trees. And yet we decided to travel to lap up whatever the coveted autumn destinations dished out.

Hitting the spots at the perfect time - not so early that the leaves weren't willing to change colours, not so late that the deciduous trees only had bare branches to offer - we finally got the taste of autumn flavours this year at Meadow Flat, Bathurst, and Orange. Copse of golden columnar poplar popped up sporadically amidst the greens like towering fiery sticks. In one particular grammable spot, on our way to Orange, they flanked the road to form a fairytale tunnel. 

Orange itself, to our surprise, was ablaze with warm colours of the spectrum. A slew of poplars on either side of Mitchell Highway welcomed us. Sun, setting just behind the wall of these poplars, rendered them ethereal. Most of the streets were walls of gold and cinnabar. Lake Canobolas area had the lion's share of attractions. Pockets of the area were peppered with red, orange, maroon, yellow - though not as enticing as White Mountains, was substantial to slake our chase.  

Here are a few captures from our short trip that includes Apple Picking at Bilpin Farm en route to Orange. 

Fairytale tunnel 

The Fallen - PC my son

Entering Orange 

Lake Cannobolas Reserve

Alpaca poses

Orange Botanical Gardens, Orange

Photo bombed by a swooping magpie

Flaming streets of Orange

Poplars by Mitchell Highway 


Mount Panorama

The Big Gold Panner

Abercrombie House

Golden Poplar revisited 

Poplars popping up sporadically amidst the greens 

Bilpin Farm animals 

Apple Picking at Bilpin Farm

Royal Botanic Gardens 

...and some food

Dona, Sydney, April '24


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