The Words of Music


Music of Rivers

It started with an ominously haunting sound entwined with the keening of wind through the spires of an old castle jutting into the night sky, feebly wrapped by an invisible silver gossamer of gleaming waning gibbous. A storm was brewing up somewhere not far, or so you'd think.

With the onset of calming colours of dawn, the ululating wind abated, and the lilting cadence of a hopeful music filled every heart and soul. The divine welcome, orchestrated by the cosmic musicians, was interspersed by the vestigial power of the mellowed storm, as if they were in a war, a war that was apparently mellowing the storm by the moment, or was it?

A sudden clap of thunder and the accompanying lightning reticulated the overcast sky, and the dance of destruction picked up pace again. The storm started ruling and roiling with visceral power, prowling like an unseen demon, the fine divinity fading slowly to insignificance. But she was divine, she was legendary. She retaliated in an unprecedented rhythm to engulf the dark raging storm. A cascading music of happiness annulled the war on a bright note! 

(6.50 minutes through the mesmerising music album of Hariprasad Chaurasia)

Dona, Sydney, Aug'21 


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