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School - closing a chapter

⚫️ ⚫️ KinderCare Daycare, Nashua, New Hampshire  My heart bled as my 18-month toddled to daycare with a cookie clutched in his little fingers, crying copiously. He'd point to the door gesturing desperately to come to mamma. I'd observe him for sometime through the little rectangular glass on the door, and turn away helplessly, hoping he'd forget his fears soon and get busied with colourful toys around him like the rest of the class.  Meeting a hero - Mr Fireman Queuing to a firetruck  Pony ride with Ms Parna and her colleague  Matching pace with the relentless time he stepped into primary school. Early mornings were a blur - packing fruit, lunch, water bottle, pencil box, books, getting him into school uniform, and racing for the school bus! There were days, though few, when his granddad stood in front of the yellow vehicle barring it from budging the bus bay till his grandson found his way up its steps to a comfortable green seat with his friends. Grandma would heave a sig

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